Installing new floors in your home is one of the biggest investments you will make in improving your home. It’s important to learn how to care for your new floors so they can last you a long time. 

The first thing we recommend is to invest in a good Swiffer or broom, often your hardwood will only need a light sweep and spot cleaning with a cloth. For a deep clean you can use a mop on your wood floors but keep in mind that wood is absorbent and any water left on the wood will cause it to swell and buckle which will ruin your floors. If you choose to mop, be sure to dry the floors right away to prevent any damage. This same care should be taken with an engineered floor as water will also damage it. We recommend a cleaner specially made for wood floors, we use Bona products and these can be picked up at your local hardware store or big box home improvement stores. Bleach or harsh chemicals should never be used. 

Luxury vinyl plank floors are a little more forgiving with water and cleaners. These can be wet mopped as many LVP are 100% waterproof so no worry of water sitting on them too long. The same Bona cleaner is a good choice as a cleaner. 

If you are looking for a professional type cleaning, maybe before moving in or cleaning up from tenants you have the option of doing a commercial style buff on your floors. We use a special product that is sprayed on the floor which will release any dirt, debris, old sticky stuff and anything else that is on the floor!  A commercial style buffer is used with a either a wool pad or a light textured disc to buff clean the floors.  The results are amazing!  We have regular clients who request this service annually to maintain the beauty of the floors. Give us a call if you would like a quote for this service. We sincerely hope you love your floors and take the time to care and maintain them.